
Published on by Mallorie Chancellor

I go through boys like I go through T-shirts. I know thats bad, but I can’t just stay with one. Because when I find the one I want, they don’t want me. I feel like all the boys just want to “hump it and dump it.” But now like my tell you about this boy.
He came out of nowhere. I when to my friends quince this weekend and this boy, or should I say man, asked me to dance. I don’t know why but I said yes. He was so sweet. I told him, that I didn’t know how to dance but he told me that he would teach me. I was so happy with him. He told me his name and asked me if I lived here. Because, he said he was never since such a pretty girl here. I felt loved. He asked me if I wanted to come and chill with him after the party. I said yeah, so that fun. So when the party was over, we went to his house.
We sit there and talk for like eight hours. We have a lot in common. I was thinking to myself I found the man of my dreams. I was so happy. But out of nowhere, he asked me if I loved him. I said, Ummm, I barely know you. He said okay. He sound really sad. I asked him,why did you asked that? He said, because I believe in love at first site and I fell in love with you. I know that sounds crazy but its true. I was speechless, I don’t really know what to say. So I just came right out and said, I am glad you believe in love at first site, because I do to. He started to cry and so did I. I was so happy.
We have a date on Saturday. :) Right after he gets of work. I am so happy. Who knew i would find the boy of my dreams.

Published on Love

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