
Published on by Mallorie Chancellor

  • We go through life being taught by our friends, family, and mentors that we shouldn’t judge others. It’s not fair to the other person when we judge them before we know them. But is it really possible to stop being judgmental? As humans, we’ve judged situations for our entire existence. In ancient times, if something looked dangerous, it probably was.
  • When we looked up at a dark and cloudy sky, through proper judgment, we conclude that it could be either a peaceful rain shower, or even a thunderous lightening storm. If we heard the roar of a great beast, we judged that the best thing to do is to get out of the area.
  • People still judge even today. When you heard a cop car sreins you think, “ohh, someone is going to jail or something”. You still are judging. Just let people do what the want and leave them alone.
She is judging him.

She is judging him.

Published on Judging

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